Talks, Showcases and Usergroups

May 15th, 2017

At the "Connect" conference organized by Mulesoft, our colleagues demonstrated the TNG-developed telepresence system based on Nao and Kinect. In parallel, our colleagues gave a talk on this system entitled "Avatar - Telepresence robotics with Nao and Kinect" at the IoT TechDay in Utrecht.

One of our colleagues gave a talk on the topic "Telefónica Data Anonymization Platform - Big Data meets Privacy by Design" at the Daimler Global Information Security Conference in Stuttgart. We were represented at the SE Live 2017 in the Zugspitz village Grainau with the lecture "Agile Architecture - How much Stability can Agility handle?"

We also organized various Meetups and contributed talks at the Apache Flink Meetup Munich, the Puppet Usergroup Meetup, Software Architecture Munich, the MuniCSS Meetup and the Atlassian User Group Munich.