Talks and User Groups

June 15th, 2017

Our colleagues will be at the Berlin Buzzwords 2017 with the talks "Queryable State, or How to Build a Billing System Without a Database" and "A Big Data Streaming Recipe". Another colleague will give a talk on the topic "Taming Agile Architecture" at the International PHP Conference in Berlin as well as the DWX Developer Week in Nuremberg.

We will be contributing to the DWX Developer Week and the Hack & Make in Nuremburg with the talk "Avatar – Telepresence Robotics with Nao and Kinect". A colleague will give a talk entitled "Underneath Your Code / Clean Code for the Front End" at the Clean Code Days in Munich.

We are also organizing the Design Thinking Munich Meetup and supporting the Atlassian Enterprise Forum. One of our colleagues will give a talk "REST Services with only HATEOAS" at the Java User Group of the Metropolitan Region Nuremburg.