Talks and Sponsorship

November 15th, 2016

TNG employees gave talks at various conferences: "Functional and low-level: watching the STG execute" at the Haskell Exchange in London, "Avatar - Telepresence robotics with Nao and Kinect" at the ChartaCloud Nao World Congress in the NERVE Center at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, "Scaled Agile Software Development in Practice" at the W-JAX 2016 in Munich, "Behaviour-Driven Development in Java with JGiven" at the Devoxx Belgium in Antwerp. We also gave a keynote lecture at the graduation party for students of Computer Science at the LMU Munich on the topic "Computer Science, Time and Responsibility".

We helped to organize the PHP User Group and Design Thinking Munich, as well holding a talk and kata on "JGiven - a BDD Framework for Java". We also sponsored the Lean Startup Machine.