News Projects

After five years of stabilizing, consolidating and developing a monolithic Java backend application for a large telecommunications company, we opened a new chapter in the system...

April 1st, 2017

Major Upgrade

We upgraded the basic platform for an eCommerce client. This platform forms the heart of the application, offering solutions for customer and production managements as well as the...

From 11-31 January in Pittsburgh, four of the world's best players played in a no-limit Texas Hold'em Poker tournament against an AI, "Libratus", developed at...

TNG employees contributed two articles to the important German technology blog Heise Developer Online: an Article on the Big Data technologies Apache Spark and Apache Flink in the...

We supported a telecommunications provider in the development and implementation of a customer matrix for the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. Customer value and...

TNG was the first sponsor of the TU Munich's Hyperloop team. The first ideas for participation in the competition run by SpaceX and Elon Musk go back to autumn 2015. The...

We supported a client with an online platform in the development of a website, using ES6, React and Fluxible with high test automation. The backend employs a microservice...

November 1st, 2016

Digital Transformation

TNG gave an interview on the topic Digital Transformation

November 1st, 2016

AWS | CloudFront | Lambda

We helped a customer in the eCommerce sector to host catalogue images in the cloud, dealing with data in the order of terabytes. The technologies used included AWS (S3...

November 1st, 2016

Business Intelligence

We held a talk on the topic Business Intelligence (BI) together with one of our clients at the TDWI ( roundtable in Leipzig.

Current project news can be found here.