News Projects

November 1st, 2009

Java | Data Farming

For one of our customers we reimplemented an application for managing a data farm of simulation models. We redesigned and unified the interfaces of the appliction for fetching...

After our successful refactoring of an existing software integration environment in the telecommunication industry, we took over the further maintanenance and development of this...

November 1st, 2009

Data Center Relocation

We supported a financial service provider by relocating its data center without interrupting operations. The hard- and software of the whole technology stack was updated...

October 1st, 2009

Java | Public Health

We supported a customer extending their Java enterprise application for auditing. Within this project we showed our customers how to use a Scrum development process and thus...

October 1st, 2009

Change Management | JIRA

We supported a customer's IT department improving their change management process. We refined requirements in several workshops and realised a software solution prototype...

September 1st, 2009

Data Warehouse | Testing

We augmented a project within a customer's data warehouse with a test expert and a scrum coach. We created a test concept allowing our customer to validate the correctness of...

September 1st, 2009

Partner University

TNG is now a member of the Supporters Club of the Cambridge University Computing Lab and of the Corporate Partnership Programmes of the Computing Department at the Imperial...

We supported a customer with a telecommunication background integrating three new partners into an existing software system by providing the bigger part of the integration team....

We developed a jQuery-based framework for the analysis of a core navigation element of a customer's web page. We measured the user performance of HTML and Flex prototypes. In...

August 1st, 2009

Perl Workshop

For one of our customers we conducted a two-day practical Perl workshop for advanced developers. We put a special focus on getting to know a broad range of Perl Modules (e.g....

Current project news can be found here.