We supported a big client with the migration of approximately 10 million active customers to a new country-wide backend system. The successfully completed migration ranks among...
An application developed by TNG for the service management in DSL-networks has been used for a considerably extended customer base. Meanwhile, more than 3 million DSL lines in...
For a telecommunications service provider, we shortly supported the migration to a new provisioning platform through creating and optimizing detailed reports. The reports were...
We created a product information managegement software in a green-field project, using node.js and MongoDB in the backend and Ext JS 4.1 in the frontend.
TNG developed software components for a client using the programming language Scala. The components are running in production as part of the enterprise's software stack.
Für einen Hersteller von schweren Maschinen übernehmen wir die technische Leitung und Durchführung einer Projektrettung, nachdem der ursprüngliche Lieferant insolvent ging. Das...
For the fifth time TNG organised the Big Techday. About 380 visitors experienced a day full of technically interesting talks from industry and research. Videos of selected talks...
A producer of heavy machines assigned us technical leadership and execution of a project turnaround, because the original supplier went bankrupt. The PHP-based system was...
For a customer we took over the further development of an existing Grails application for product data management. We extended the test coverage significantly and optimised the...
We supported a large german internet service provider in migrating their data center. Using vSphere and the accompanied Perl SDK we automated the creation of the virtual...