News Projects

November 15th, 2014

JBoss | WebLogic | ActiveMQ

We migrated a huge application from JBoss 4 to WebLogic Server 12. As part of the migration, we replaced Apache ActiveMQ with WebLogic JMS.

November 15th, 2014

Big Data

We supported a client from the telecommunication sector during the Go-Live phase of a Big Data project using Apache Kafka, Storm, and Hadoop. Amongst others, we developed...

We extended and cleaned up an existing Hybris-based online shop to such an extent that "hot deployment", including database changes, became possible during normal...

September 30th, 2014

Insurance Portal

We supported the German subsidiary of a worldwide insurance company for the start of their new digitalisation strategy. We assisted creating the requirements for the CMS and the...

After taking over the relaunch of a stagnated outsourced project, we also reworked the testsuite and repaired defective tests. We reduced the code size by about 80% while...

September 1st, 2014

eCommerce A/B-Tests

We carried out extensive A/B tests for an eCommerce customer using Omniture tools, including test groups, hold-out groups and significance.

August 4th, 2014

Open Source Development

On behalf of a DAX concern we ported new features for a free-software project back into the community version and added new components to the software. We worked closely with the...

August 3rd, 2014

High Performance MySQL

We co-operated with FusionIO to test their newest SSD features in a proof of concept to achieve optimal performance for a MySQL setup: with Percona DB, nvmfs and atomic...

We supported a customer in the telecommunication sector with the implementation of test driven development in his data warehouse. For that we used FitNesse and particularly DB...

June 2nd, 2014

Akka Coaching

During the official Typesafe training courses prior to the Scala Days, one of our employees assisted as co-trainer for the "Advanced Akka" course as the only external...

Current project news can be found here.