We introduced JIRA for authentication and authorization management in a large insurance company, thereby rendering all paper-based processes in this area obsolete. We supported...
The Atlassian User Group meeting was hosted in the offices of TNG. At the first Atlassian Hackathon, participants worked on six different ideas and problems, ranging from...
During a two-day workshop, we advised one of our customers regarding the development of an online marketplace in PHP. We assessed the quality of a Java software system within the...
For the department of an insurance company, which is in charge for the asset extrapolation, we developed a tool that can be used to compare the results of distinct quarters. The...
We organized a two-day workshop for the developers of one of our customers, a leading provider of procurement software working with .NET technology. Together we worked directly on...
In the course of the agile enhancements of the BI landscape of a B2B mail order company we successfully integrated the data from the central planning tool of the controlling...
We supported a customer integrating his own customer and sales data from new business sectors that he had gained by a merger. Our focus was to extend existing planning and...
We supported a customer in the telecommunication sector by resolving production problems. By preparing technical requirements documents, patches for currently occurring defects...
At a customer we introduced agile methods via a pilot project, in which the methodological focus was put on Scrum and test driven development. The business goal of the project...