We held talks at various events, including the G-Node Summer School in Advanced Scientific Programming in Python, the annual GI conference 2014 in Stuttgart, the Munich PHP Usergroup...
On behalf of a DAX concern we ported new features for a free-software project back into the community version and added new components to the software. We worked closely with the...
For a payment technologies provider we developed a SOAP webservice adapter to an existing XML transaction interface. The development mainly takes place within the agile processes...
We took on the scrum coaching for six embedded systems teams for a car manufacturer, providing two scrum masters and an agile coach. We also provided training sessions and...
We supported an international insurance company in the replacement of the Rogue Wave library with the C++ Standard Library and the open-source library Boost under Windows, HP-UX...
One of our employees held a talk for the Munich Java User Group on the subject "Google Guava - that Unknown Creature". A video of the talk is provided here.
We supported the introduction of Google Chromecast to a video-on-demand portal, enabling our customer to participate as a launch partner at Chromecast's European roll-out. We...