

August 1st, 2009


For a customer with a telecommunication background we refactored an existing integration platform developed in-house.

Also, the business intelligence application of another...

We developed a jQuery-based framework for the analysis of a core navigation element of a customer's web page. We measured the user performance of HTML and Flex prototypes. In...

We took responsibility for a data migration project of one of our customers in the telecommunication industry. We took over the project management and the bigger part of the...

July 15th, 2009

Scrum | CSM | Training

On July 13th and 14th, 2009 a public Certified Scrum Master Training took place in TNG's office.

May 30th, 2009

Code Verification

For one of our clients we evaluated a Windows application written in C++ and C# regarding the transparency of the described build process. Moreover we looked at the structure of...

On May 27th and 28th, 2009 a public Certified Scrum Master Training took place in TNG's office. As in January 2009 the training was held by Boris Gloger, the first certified...

May 1st, 2009

Rule Engine

We supported one of our customers from the insurance sector with using a rule engine for validating insurance applications. Our client planned to automate tests, which have been...

For a gastronomy and franchise company, we implemented several adjustments and enhancements in its IT landscape. We adapted an application for master data management to the new...

April 9th, 2009

Project Management

We took responsibility for another sub-project within the insurance company we are supporting since February. The new project had high visibility as it dealt with processes and...

We conducted a training for a client's operations staff. The training dealt with Java basics, Apache httpd and Tomcat setups, the Java memory model, threading, garbage...

Current news can be found here.