

October 1st, 2012


At the regional meeting of the GPM in Frankfurt, we gave a talk about Kaizen as the basis for agile methods.

For a software producer in the health care sector, we conducted a three day training about agile requirements engineering. Besides Scrum, Kanban and techniques about user...

We supported a big client with the migration of approximately 10 million active customers to a new country-wide backend system. The successfully completed migration ranks among...

September 1st, 2012

Basic Rules and Editor

For one of our clients we created basic rules that evaluate conditions for the orderability of products in natural language. We then can carry out actions based upon these...

An application developed by TNG for the service management in DSL-networks has been used for a considerably extended customer base. Meanwhile, more than 3 million DSL lines in...

For a telecommunications service provider, we shortly supported the migration to a new provisioning platform through creating and optimizing detailed reports. The reports were...

July 1st, 2012

Scala in production

TNG developed software components for a client using the programming language Scala. The components are running in production as part of the enterprise's software stack.

We created a product information managegement software in a green-field project, using node.js and MongoDB in the backend and Ext JS 4.1 in the frontend.

July 1st, 2012

JIRA Implementation

We introduced JIRA for authentication and authorization management in a large insurance company, thereby rendering all paper-based processes in this area obsolete. We supported...

June 1st, 2012

Atlassian Hackathon

The Atlassian User Group meeting was hosted in the offices of TNG. At the first Atlassian Hackathon, participants worked on six different ideas and problems, ranging from...

Current news can be found here.