
August 4th, 2014

Open Source Development

On behalf of a DAX concern we ported new features for a free-software project back into the community version and added new components to the software. We worked closely with the...

August 3rd, 2014

High Performance MySQL

We co-operated with FusionIO to test their newest SSD features in a proof of concept to achieve optimal performance for a MySQL setup: with Percona DB, nvmfs and atomic...

TNG sponsored the 4th International Software Craftsmanship and Testing Conference, SoCraTes, and the Lean Startup Machine Munich.

One of our colleagues held a one-week...

For a payment technologies provider we developed a SOAP webservice adapter to an existing XML transaction interface. The development mainly takes place within the agile processes...

We held talks at the Agile World 2014, the Ultracode-Munich Meetup, the Linux Stammtisch, the Java Forum Stuttgart and the Java User Group Munich.

We also sponsored some...

June 14th, 2014

AtlasCamp 2014

The entire Atlassian consulting team of TNG took part in the annual Atlassian conference "AtlasCamp".

We supported a customer in the telecommunication sector with the implementation of test driven development in his data warehouse. For that we used FitNesse and particularly DB...

We took on the scrum coaching for six embedded systems teams for a car manufacturer, providing two scrum masters and an agile coach. We also provided training sessions and...

June 2nd, 2014

Akka Coaching

During the official Typesafe training courses prior to the Scala Days, one of our employees assisted as co-trainer for the "Advanced Akka" course as the only external...

We supported an international insurance company in the replacement of the Rogue Wave library with the C++ Standard Library and the open-source library Boost under Windows, HP-UX...

Current news can be found here.