We supported the German subsidiary of a worldwide insurance company for the start of their new digitalisation strategy. We assisted creating the requirements for the CMS and the...
We published an article in the magazine Java aktuell about an open-source plain Java framework for behaviour-driven development developed by TNG (JGiven).
We held talks at various events, including the G-Node Summer School in Advanced Scientific Programming in Python, the annual GI conference 2014 in Stuttgart, the Munich PHP Usergroup...
After taking over the relaunch of a stagnated outsourced project, we also reworked the testsuite and repaired defective tests. We reduced the code size by about 80% while...
On behalf of a DAX concern we ported new features for a free-software project back into the community version and added new components to the software. We worked closely with the...
We co-operated with FusionIO to test their newest SSD features in a proof of concept to achieve optimal performance for a MySQL setup: with Percona DB, nvmfs and atomic...
For a payment technologies provider we developed a SOAP webservice adapter to an existing XML transaction interface. The development mainly takes place within the agile processes...