
February 1st, 2015

IaC | PAAS | Devops

We supported the transition from classical infrastructure planning to agile self-service solutions, focusing especially on process optimisation between IT development and IT...

January 1st, 2015

Monitoring | OpenSource

We replaced a commercial application monitoring tool with the Open Monitoring Distribution and Check_MK and established a department-wide central monitoring dashboard.

December 15th, 2014

Migration from Ant to Gradle

We converted a multi-module Ant build to Gradle 2 for a pharmaceutical logistics company and integrated it into the new Continuous Integration environment.

December 15th, 2014

Due Diligence

For an investor we carried out a due diligence IT assessment at a Munich-based company. The evaluation focused on the software architecture as well as the development process and...

December 15th, 2014

Talks and Sponsorship

We held talks at the PM Summit, the Continuous Lifecycle 2014, the Munich Python User Group, the Munich Docker Meetup, and attended the Intel RealSense Hackathon as experts.


We create a new CI environment for a national pharmaceutical logistics company, using Jenkins. We created guidelines for the migration process from the former nightly build system...

December 1st, 2014

Jenkins | Ant | Gradle

We set up a Jenkins continuous integration environment for a national pharmaceutical logistics company, created instructions for migrating from the old nightly-build system and...

December 1st, 2014

Agile Coaching | Training

We held Scrum, Advanced Scrum Master and Product Owner training sessions for customers in the automobile and insurance industries. We also coached projects in automobile...

We published a white paper on software modernization ("Software-Modernisierung - Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Zwangsläufigkeit und Aufwand") in cooperation with the market...

November 15th, 2014

REST | Apigility

We supported a telecommunication provider in realising a REST interface for integrating external partners into the ordering process. We used the Apigility API builder - based on...

Current news can be found here.