
March 5th, 2020

TNG goes virtual

Sometimes, we have to make a virtue of necessity. In view of the spreading SARS-CoV-2 virus TNG started an experiment last Friday, a “Virtual Techday.” This consisted of virtual...

The colleagues will talk about this topic at the Virtual Big Techday on May 8th, 2020.

Black Friday: every year this top-selling day poses a unique challenge to our rapidly growing...

February 27th, 2020

Conferences und User Groups

TNG colleagues were still out and about towards the end of the year, giving lectures at various conferences, for instance at the ContainerConf 2019 with the lecture "Tools...

November 15th, 2019

Deep Fakes in real time

Deep Fakes are imitations of pictures and video, created using artificial intelligence. Common scenarios include exchanging faces in order to create the illusion to see another...

In September and October our colleagues were out and about again presenting the topics "Deep Fakes" and Style Transfer in showcases and lectures: at the NerdNite and Media Days...

The Big Techday, our annual conference on science and IT, took place for the twelfth year on 7 June 2019, comprising more than 40 lectures in up to seven parallel tracks....

August 16th, 2019


Summer is internship time at TNG and we were happy to welcome 18 interns with ten different nationalities and from six different universities in June, July and August.


TNG gave a talk "Style Transfer AI - How Neural Nets generate Art" at the TDWI Conference and the DWX Developer Week. Also at the DWX Developer Week, TNG colleagues...

For a large fashion retailer, TNG developed an application that makes individual size recommendations for web shop customers. The task for the solution was – despite a large...

TNG was present at the Minds Mastering Machines in Mannheim with the keynote lecture "Style Transfer - How neural networks generate art" as well as a talk...

Current news can be found here.