
Now it's official: we are the first Slack Services Partner in the German speaking regions of Europe! We are excited to support customers in their integration challenges with...

Continuous, strategic development is so important to us at TNG that we organize a strategy retreat once a year in summer. We do so with all of our colleagues, because we are proud...

July 2nd, 2020

Hey oven, open up!

Talking to your household appliances sounds like Science Fiction, right?  Well not anymore! Just as Ali Baba once did to open the door to his enchanted treasure trove...

June 25th, 2020

JHipster at TNG

A recent workshop with JHipster Core Developer David Steiman ensured that a number of our consultants can optimally support our clients and are up to date with the state of the...

Our demonstration app Person Anonymizer featured in a live online product demo for the S&ST platform. Cameras running the OS developed by Security and Safety...

Often on company wikis, information is written once and then quickly forgotten about. This information is then neither updated nor archived, even though it may be out of date. An...

Were you unable to attend the Virtual Big Techday on May 8th? Missed a talk? Or was there a talk so good you want to watch it again? Many talks are now online in our YouTube playlist...

How deceptively real are deepfakes? And do they also work in real time? In the WDR programme “reporter”, TNG Innovation Hacking shed light on how photo-realistic and high-quality...

We have set up the event location for our Big Techday conference, which will be taking place tomorrow (8th of May 2020). This year, instead of carrying chairs and moving tables –...

Coming soon: TNG presents the annual Big Techday. The science and technology conference, with a focus on IT, will stream live online on Friday May 8th, 2020. We are...

Current news can be found here.