JHipster at TNG

June 25th, 2020

A recent workshop with JHipster Core Developer David Steiman ensured that a number of our consultants can optimally support our clients and are up to date with the state of the art in JHipster, in keeping with TNG's ethos of continued professional development for all colleagues, even during the Corona crisis. JHipster is one of the Java world's most popular code generators, and sees much activity on GitHub as well as being used by many companies. The workshop covered topics such as fast realisation of proof-of-concepts and sketching of microservice landscapes. Particularly central was the question of how applications can be developed so as to avoid maintenance-heavy JHipster upgrades.

The workshop took place before Big Techday 2020, under whose auspices David Steiman, together with Frederik Hahne, presented a talk on the JHipster Development Platform. The talk is available on YouTube (in German).