Game Days at Elli

January 18th, 2022

"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." If you believe Murphy's Law, you understand the need to prepare for a crisis situation. TNG has done this together with our client Elli, a provider of electric mobility solutions in the Volkswagen Group, through "Game Days", held most recently in July 2021 for over 50 people.

These training days introduce a fun, collaborative way to upskill engineers on incident handling and find holes in infrastructure and processes. Engineers face real incidents, prepared on production-like systems, and have the chance to practice analyzing and fixing a variety of issues in a realistic, hands-on setting.

In their exciting and entertaining talk, Katja Ried (TNG) and Dimitris Kirtsios (Elli) present the project, explain why they find incidents so exciting, and show how Game Days might continue in the future. You can find this and other talks from our last Big Techday in the Big Techday Playlist or directly here.