Conferences and User Groups

October 15th, 2019

In September and October our colleagues were out and about again presenting the topics "Deep Fakes" and Style Transfer in showcases and lectures: at the NerdNite and Media Days in Munich, the Autumn Campus in Nuremberg, the JavaZone Conference in Oslo, the KanDDDinsky in Berlin and the JFall in Ede.

Colleagues also gave lectures on diverse topics, such as "7 ways to run Apache Flink on AWS" or "Automated Testing of an Angular Application" at various conferences. TNG was preset at the AWS Community Day Germany, the WDC Conference and the Open Source Summit Europe.

TNG also took part in Meetups and User Groups in September and October: the Piazza Meetup, the Software Architecture Meetup Nuremberg and Meetup der Wardley Mapping Community. We again organized the  Haskell Hackathon MuniHac in September.