At our recent Big Techday, our colleagues Jonas Mayer and Christoph Bergemann from the TNG Innovation Hacking Team talked about the art and science of getting the most out of...
At our recent Big Techday, our colleague Lukas Hauser shared his expertise on GitHub Actions as a modern CI/CD tool in a talk. Discover how this cutting-edge technology simplifies...
Which parts does a supplier need for an automotive manufacturer, when, and in what quantity? Which logistics service provider is responsible for the transport of the goods? Our...
Recently, our colleagues Thomas Endres and Martin Förtsch attended the LambdaConf 2024, where they gave a keynote on the challenges and dangers of artificial intelligence...
In early July, our annual summer party took place after our Big Techday 24. We celebrated at Jochen Schweizer Arena and there was plenty of action to enjoy: Everyone at TNG, both...
At Big Techday 24, our speaker and world-class speed puzzler Chiara Dellantonio was in action twice. After her talk "How I Ended Up Being So Puzzled", in which she...
We are thrilled to announce that MuniHac will return in 2024! MuniHac is a community-driven annual 3-day Haskell hackathon and conference and will take place at our headquarters...